On Thursday, June 26, The Cook County Health and Hospitals System and the Lovell Federal Health Care Center announced a new program that will allow Navy medical personnel to receive training in the trauma and burn unit of Chicago’s John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital.
According to the Washington Times, the Cook County Trauma Experience will place Navy personnel alongside trauma surgeons and nurses as they work to treat patients.
Captain Jose Acosta, commanding officer of the federal center, said he believes the hands-on training in the trauma unit will help the Navy personnel learn how to handle similar high-pressure situations to the ones they will experience during real battles, the Washington Times reported.
Burns and trauma are among the most common reasons for visits to the emergency room. Others include back pain, which affects some 31 million Americans at any given time.
Military doctors, nurses and corpsmen will all participate in the Cook County Trauma Experience, according to theWashington Times.
The burn and trauma unit at Stroger Hospital serves all of Cook County and is one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the United States, according to its website.