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5 Things to Consider When Buying Gooseneck Livestock Trailers

When purchasing a gooseneck livestock trailer, there are several key considerations to ensure that you select a suitable option for safely transporting your animals. Here are five essential factors to keep …

When purchasing a gooseneck livestock trailer, there are several key considerations to ensure that you select a suitable option for safely transporting your animals. Here are five essential factors to keep in mind:

Size and Capacity: Before making a purchase, assess the size and capacity of the trailer. It’s crucial to choose a trailer that can comfortably accommodate the number and type of animals you plan to transport. Overloading can lead to safety hazards and discomfort for the livestock. Additionally, consider the height and internal compartment division of the trailer, as these features can greatly impact animal welfare during transport.

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Build Quality and Materials: The durability of a livestock trailer depends significantly on the materials used and the quality of construction. Trailers made from high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials like aluminum are generally lighter and offer better longevity, although they might be more expensive than steel trailers. Examine the build quality, focusing on aspects such as the flooring, which should be sturdy and slip-resistant, and the door latches, which must be secure yet easy to operate.

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for livestock, especially during long journeys. Look for trailers that provide adequate air flow through vents and windows to prevent overheating and ensure ample air exchange.

Suspension and Handling: A good suspension system minimizes the stress on the animals during transit by absorbing bumps and vibrations. Additionally, the handling of the trailer is important; gooseneck trailers, for instance, are known for better stability and easier maneuverability compared to bumper pull trailers, making them a preferred choice for heavy loads and long-distance travel.

Safety Features: Finally, check for safety features such as interior lighting, non-slip floors, and secure gating. These elements are crucial for safely loading, unloading, and transporting livestock. Also, ensure that the trailer meets all legal requirements for lights and braking systems, which are critical for the safety of both the transported animals and other road users.

Watch the video above to learn more about what to consider when buying gooseneck livestock trailers!.

Consider Safety Features

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