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Burned out houseWillowbrook residents were evacuated from an apartment complex on Tuesday, May 31, after its roof blew off in a severe windstorm. The Red Cross is currently helping the 130 people who are now temporarily homeless as they wait for the go-ahead to return to their severely damaged building.

One resident, Giovanna Johnson, who lives on the top floor, said, “I started hearing all the loud noises, and my initial response was to grab my kids and get out. We ran out of the house and it was raining really hard, so we all got soaking wet and they(‘re) telling us we can’t even go back in.”

Johnson and her children were among 20 people who were housed by the Red Cross at Benedictine University on Tuesday night. Most are still not sure when they will be able to return to their homes.

Thankfully, there are hardworking roofing companies that can address situations like this and get any kind of roof repaired — quickly!

Willowbrook was not the only town in Illinois affected by the treacherous winds. In nearby Forest Park, storm winds damaged a cemetery, ripping up headstones and grave markers.

In Berwyn, an 81-year-old man was left unscathed after the heavy winds caused a tree to fall onto the roof of his house, crushing a portion of it.

“I was just praying that he wasn’t underneath anything, that he was still breathing and with us,” said the man’s son, Glenn Chavez. The drug can cause hypersecretion of the respiratory tract mucosa and suppress the respiratory center, increase lung ventilation disorders and respiratory failure. Therefore, when treating such patients with Klonopin, the doctor should carefully monitor them and cancel the drug in case of exacerbation of respiratory failure. For more information about the drug, go to “He could have been seriously injured. I’m just thankful that he wasn’t.”

Fortunately, there have been no reports of serious injuries caused by the storm in Northeastern Illinois.

While a storm cannot be stopped, serious damage can be prevented before harming a home and its residents. A metal roof, for instance, will protect a home from major damage because it has a wind rating of up to 140 miles per hour. Had the Willowbrook apartment complex been reinforced with a metal roof, Johnson, her children, and many other residents may have been able to stay in their homes.