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If you’re a parent, you likely already prioritize your family’s health. Though no one is perfect, you do your best to make sure everyone eats nutritious meals, gets plenty of sleep, and doesn’t spend too much time in front of a screen.

However, it’s easy to focus on nutrition and exercise, and forget other essential aspects of overall health. As the new year approaches, consider setting family health goals that go beyond weight management. Here are just a few habits that the whole family can embrace for a healthy and happy new year:

Revamp Your Chore Chart

An unclean and cluttered house can actually worsen your family’s health, especially during the winter months. Bacteria brought home from classmates and coworkers can linger on doorknobs and counters. Mold, the cause of 93% of chronic sinus infections, can go undetected for months in basements and attics. Clutter can even be distracting and worsen your mood.

Try updating your family’s chore chart for a healthier outlook. Include a few more sterilizing techniques to eradicate germs, spend 10 minutes each day decluttering, and consider having a mold inspection for a fresher and healthier home.

Lead by Example

One of the most important ways children learn is through observation. Young children especially rely on social cues from adults to dictate their own behavior. Try establishing healthy routines as parents, and get the kids involved. Spend time each day stretching and walking, and stick to an established adult bedtime to be a good role model. When the whole family has healthy habits, children will see family rules as important for everyone’s health, and not just an arbitrary expectation for children.

Don’t Forget Mental and Dental!

This year, try to schedule time to remember other oft-forgotten parts of health each day, especially mental health and dental health.

Do a dental check-in on your kids’ bedtime routine to make sure they are brushing, rinsing and flossing properly. Schedule dental appointments as a family, so that you don’t neglect your own oral health. After all, nearly half (46%) of adults over 30 show early signs of gum disease, so remember to lead by example, and schedule yourself a dentist appointment!

Similarly, talk about mental health as a family. Try to find age-appropriate mental health exercises, or consider signing up the whole family for a mental health evaluation. Though it may seem unusual to sign kids up for mental health services, around 10% of all U.S. children ages three to 17 received mental health counseling or treatment in 2016, and even more could benefit from services. This step can help break stigmas, detect any problems that might be manifesting, and can teach children that there is more to health than physical wellness.

Nutrition and exercise are obviously essential to good family health. However, there’s more to overall wellness than managing weight and cardiovascular fitness. All benzodiazepines, including Klonopin, are classified as controlled substances. Consequently, these drugs can cause physical and emotional dependence and abuse. Care for your family member’s whole selves with these healthy New Year’s resolutions. Mental health, oral hygiene, and general cleanliness are all great areas to focus on for a better 2019!