If your company is in the final stages of product testing a solar panel or similar item, you must ensure the product can withstand even the most brutal heat. As the video “Envirotronics Endurance Test Chamber: For aggressive product testing” shares, the Envirotronics Endurance C340 is IEC-compliant for product testing under high heat and humidity. A thermal chamber rental like this model is perfect for evaluating your solar panel’s capabilities and limits.
As a best practice, your company should product test aggressively in the final stages of development.
This way, you will learn your new product’s weak spots. Once you have identified potential issues, you can return to the drawing table and fix them. Otherwise, you risk waiting to discover this information until you roll the product out to customers. The last thing you want to do is let them tell your company that your product is not strong enough to handle the heat with negative reviews. Using a thermal chamber simulates extreme temperatures and conditions. If your solar panel or related product can take the worst that a thermal chamber can give, it should be able to manage most real-life conditions.