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Energy bills are something you can’t get rid of like a car payment or student loan debt, but you can decrease them. Here are some things you can do to decrease your monthly expenses on water.

Get a tankless water heater

Tankless water heaters allow for what is known as “on demand” hot water. They are much smaller than traditional water heaters. Cold water is piped through the heater and is quickly heated by either gas or electricity. This means you don’t have to let the water run for very long for it to get hot. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save $100 a year or more with a tankless heater.

Insulate your pipes

Insulating your water pipes can also save you money on your water bills. It’s generally the same concept as a tankless water heater in that you don’t have to let the water run as long before it gets hot. Insulating your hot water pipes can help raise your water temperature two to four degrees Fahrenheit, decreasing the water you waste down the drain.

Fix any leaks

A leak of one drip per second can cost you $1 every month. That may not seem like a lot, but this calculation helps you see the bigger picture. A drip rate of 60 drips per minute can waste 8.64 gallons a day, 259 gallons a month, and 3,153 gallons a year. That’s a lot of water. If you fix the leaks in a prompt manner, you don’t have to pay for all that wasted water.

Update your appliances

Finally, you can update your appliances if you want to save money on your water bills. While it may cost you more money up front, energy efficient appliances use much less water and energy in the long run. Replacing your washing machine, dishwasher, and other similar appliances can cut down your water bills shortly after you purchase them. Additionally, here are some tips for properly cleaning your exhaust filter!

Try out some of these tips so you can save money on your water bills every month. Not only will you be putting money back in your wallet, but water conservation is also great for the environment.