One of the elements of Minecraft that makes it so fun is the exploration. The thrill of finding out what is on the other side of a distant hill is always present. There could be a beautiful river or a dense forest. There may even be a waterfall for all you know. Exploring the unknown is part of what makes Minecraft so good.
However, it can get a bit stale over time as you have seen all the biomes that there is to see. This is why modders have set out to create mods that add literally hundreds of new biomes to the game to explore. In this video, you will learn a little about William Wythers’ Overhauled Overworld. This mod is also server compatible. This makes it the perfect mod to play on your own server thanks to managed hosting service providers.
William Wythers’ Overhauled Overworld adds nearly 200 new biomes into the game. This is enough to keep even the most avid explorers busy for a long time. You will be exploring lush forests and vast landscapes with your friends. One of the best parts of the mod is that it does not add any new blocks to the game. All the biomes make use of existing blocks which means that players do not have to download the mod to play on a server that is using the world generation.